Worship & Music

Our worshiping community (Shepherd of the Hills) helps us to restore our worn and weary souls.  Worshiping together helps to mend our hearts and make us whole people, before God and one another.

We welcome all people into our worshiping community – from new members, to the sick, the grieving and the joyful – as an extension of the invitation that we receive from Christ himself.

“Where two or three are gathered together” (Matthew 18:20), we hear the word of God and come to Christ’s table to be fed.

Music is both praise and prayer.  We make a “joyful noise” to the Lord in all the times of our lives – in praise and thanksgiving as well as in grief and longing.  Music is an integral part of our worship service.  We use a variety of instruments and styles of music in our services.  We sing, we clap, we play musical instruments.  We are blessed to have talented musicians who share their talents with us each and every Sunday – guitar, banjo, tambourine, piano, organ, recorder, flute, and chimes are just a few of the many ways we make a joyful noise.

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