What Will Happen When I Arrive?

Enter the building through the front door marked as Sanctuary.  Someone will be there to greet you and hand you a church bulletin which explains our services.  Please sign in at our Welcome Table with your name, address, and email.  You may sit anywhere you please in the sanctuary. 

What shall I wear to services?

Casual attire is permitted at all services.

What service should I attend?

Sunday worship is at 9:30AM and is usually quite full however, our congregation is always looking for new friends, so come and join us for all we have to offer.  The forms of worship are varied with drama, traditional, and contemporary.  All services include readings, sermon, and holy communion.  Online services are also available.

What about my children?

Children are welcome at all our services.  A nursery area is provided, but is unattended.  However, sound from the service is available in the room and a window looks into the sanctuary.  You may use this room with your children if you desire.

How long do the services last?

Our Sunday services are a little over an hour long .

Will I be able to follow and participate in worship?

We realize that Lutheran worship may not be familiar to some.  Our bulletin contains all the information you need for worship, including songs and readings.  The order of worship is also projected on a screen above our altar (at Sunday worship), so you don’t have to struggle with books or get lost as to what we are doing.  Worship is user friendly!

What happens after the service?

Fellowship with coffee and sweets are provided after service on the last Sunday of the month in the fellowship area where you can get to know others.  Someone may contact you after your visit to follow up your experience.

Will I be welcome?

As a congregation, we have a history of being an open and inclusive congregation. All people are welcome to praise God and rejoice in the good news of Jesus Christ at our services.  This welcoming is extended toward all personalities, races, and sexual orientation and is something our faith calls us to continue.  You do not have to be a Lutheran or member of any church to be welcome.

Can I take communion?

All Baptized Christians are welcome at our Lord’s Table.  Please come forward and extend an open hand, palm up, if you wish to receive the bread and wine.  If you are not baptized or are waiting for your first communion, please come forward for a blessing.

What is the church affiliation?

Our church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and a member of the Florida-Bahamas Synod.

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