I’m Joe Foryan, the worship coordinator at Shepherd of the Hills.
My wife Nancy and I moved to Florida in 2004 and reside in the Clermont area. We have two shorkies (Shitzu Yorkies), Micki and Maddie. They bring us great joy and much laughter and thus they are very precious and very spoiled!
The arts run in the family. My wife is a fused glass and pottery artist who works out of her garage studio. She has done several local art shows. However, recently, because of trouble with her hand, she’s had to slow down her work. By day, I’m an interior/exterior brush n’ roller painting contractor, but my true vocation is leading the music here at Shepherd of the Hills. I first attended Shepherd of the Hills in May of 2012. I volunteered to play guitar (and banjo, tambourine, and more!) and lead the singing at services. So. in 2015 I was appointed the choir director. Now I not only play but I also coordinate all aspects of the service music including the vocal choir and chime choir.
When I’m not brushin’, rollin’, singin’ or strummin’, I’m in my recliner watching sports. Pro and college football are my favorites. With an eye on the game, I’m always working on musical ideas for church services and, of course, Micki and Maddie keep me company asleep by my feet. Each day begins with prayers and dumbbell exercises and then it’s off to work (always climbing the company ladder!) with music in my heart and a song on my lips.