There are many opportunities to serve in the worship ministry of Shepherd of the Hills:


  • LectorsIndividuals who read the scripture lessons for Sunday.
  • UshersUshers greet folks as they arrive, provide bulletins and help seat if necessary.  Ushers will also light and extinguish altar candles, receive the offering as well as facilitate movement to the altar for Holy Communion.
  • Communion AssistantsIndividuals that help distribute communion and worship.
  • Assisting MinistersAssisting Ministers are lay people who help to lead the worship service.
  • Audio Visual Technician  – These are the people who are responsible for the sound, presentation powerpoint and video broadcast of our Sunday worship service.
  • Altar Guild – These individuals have a variety of tasks including changing the paraments, preparing and setting up communion and refreshing the altar after worship service.


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