The Adult Zoom Bible study group is meeting each Wednesday at 2:00 pm. We are studying Joshua and Judges.  Why not join us for these lively discussions?
Hope to see everyone there.

We believe people discover their true purpose and identity by knowing God through His Word.  Do you question whether God really can speak to your future, career, finances or even relationships? What about all the brokenness in the world and social injustices? God’s Word has answers.

Pastor Dennis Schmidt will guide you through a wonderful journey as he goes in depth with the back stories of the bible passages that are being studied and explains how events of the era shaped our faith.

It’s a great way to stay in touch with each other.

To check out past bible studies please click the link below.  Please note that some of the videos are from two years ago and may have changed users in the group.  If you have any questions in reference to Zoom Bible study, please don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions either by email, or phone by calling Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church during office hours.

Click here for past studies examples.

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